Applications are now being accepted for 2025 Mini-Grants!
- Purpose: to help organizations promote programs that are consistent with the Network’s mission to improve the health status of Greene County residents. We will give preference to proposals that are consistent with our current program priorities such as healthy weight, good nutrition, exercise, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, improved mental health, prevention and improved management of diabetes, and improved compliance with health screening guidelines for breast cancer. Applicants are welcome, however, to submit proposals other than the aforementioned preferences.
- Ineligible Funding Purposes: Funds cannot be used for buying an ad in a brochure or booklet.
- Greene County Beneficiaries “Only”.
- Amount of Each Award: a cap of $1,500 per award.
- Expenditure Period: Funds must be expended during the period January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. Funds can be used for a one-time event or an on-going activity.
- Recipient Type: for-profit & not-for-profit corporations or unincorporated associations with a tax ID; no government entities.
- A Special Note for Organizations Awarded Funds in 2024: If an organization was awarded funds in 2024, it is eligible for a 2025 award IF it has expended its 2024 funds by December 31, 2024, and has submitted all the necessary receipts and a brief report on the results of its expenditures.
- Pre- and Post-funding: we will provide an award to an organization either before (pre-) it has expended any of its own money due to its own fiscal limitations OR we can fund an organization after (post-) it has expended its own money.
- Accountability: recipients will submit receipts and a brief report on results.
- Simple Application: our on-line application is simple and brief.
Submission deadline October 31, 2024, 5 PM – Awards Announcement: No later than early February 2025.
Guidelines for Development of Proposals
We are requesting brief proposals. Your entire application should be no more than the equivalent of 2 pages! All sponsors of proposals are required to complete the following seven items:
- Problem Statement: Briefly state a public health challenge that your project intends to address in the community through which your business or organization serves.
- State the Project Goal: A goal is an aspirational statement about what you want to achieve. What effect does your project intend to have on the public health of the community.
- Project Purpose: Briefly state how the project will help people improve their health status. Physical health. These may include increased efforts to maintain a healthy weight; increased knowledge and/or practice of nutritional information; increased exercise; prevention of alcohol and drug use/misuse; increased mental health; prevention and increased management of diabetes; increased compliance and management of diabetes; increased compliance with guidelines for health screening of breast cancer, or some other health promoting objective. Funds may be applied toward public health purposes and promote the health status of Greene County residents.
- Purpose of the Funding: List and describe the items, products, services, or fees that the award will pay for. Demonstrating project sustainability is not required.
- Provide 1-3 SMART Objectives: Objectives state how much of the goal will be accomplished within a specified timeframe. They are specific benchmarks that show progress toward the goal. SMART Objectives are Specific (who and what?), Measurable (by how much), Achievable (how?), Relevant (Why?) and Time-Bound (when?).
- Example 1: By the end of the school calendar year, a registered dietician will have delivered 15 live workshops on nutrition to 90% of participants in the middle and high school curriculum.
- Example 2: By the end of a tobacco cessation workshop, 90% of participants will be able to identify at least three techniques that can lead to successful smoking cessation.
- Quantitative Measures: Identify and explain the quantitative aspects of your proposal that can be used to measure its impact, e.g., number of people participating or served, number of training sessions conducted, number of educational materials distributed, etc. Describe the method by which you will collect your data (where, when, how) and in what form (e.g., sign-off sheet, attendance record, spreadsheet).
- Identify the geographic area of Greene County that your proposal will cover (e.g., name the town or towns).
- Amount of Funding: (not to exceed $1,500).
If you have questions, email Jordan Neves at [email protected].
Your proposal must be received by the Network by:
Thursday, October 31, 2024, 5:00 PM