Female Screenings & Exams
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening
- Newborn Metabolic Screening
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
1 Month
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (at either one or two months of age)
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
2 Months
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (at either one or two months of age)
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP)
- Haemophilus Influenzae type B Vaccine (Hib)
- Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV)
- Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV)
- Rotavirus Vaccine
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
4 Months
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP)
- Haemophilus Influenzae type B Vaccine (Hib)
- Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV)
- Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV)
- Rotavirus Vaccine
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
6 Months
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening (one exam between 6-9 months)
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP)
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – one dose between 6-18 months
- Haemophilus Influenzae type B Vaccine (Hib)
- Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) – third dose given between ages 6-18 months
- Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV)
- Rotavirus Vaccine
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March beginning at age 6 months
- Lead Screening – test should be completed once between ages 6 – 24 months
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
12 Months
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – one dose between 6-18 months
- Haemophilus Influenzae type B Vaccine (Hib) – 4th dose between 12-15 months
- Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) – 3rd dose given between ages 6-18 months
- Measels, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – one dose between 12-15 months
- Varicella – one dose between 12-18 months
- Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV) – 4th dose given between 12-15 months
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March beginning at age 6 months
- Lead Screening – test should be completed once between ages 6 – 24 months
- Hepatitis A (HepA) – series begins with one dose by age 2
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
15 Months
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – one dose between 6-18 months
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine – 4th dose given between 15-18 months
- Haemophilus Influenzae type B Vaccine (Hib) – 4th dose between 12-15 months
- Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) – 3rd dose given between ages 6-18 months
- Measels, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) – one dose between 12-15 months
- Varicella – one dose between 12-18 months
- Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV) – 4th dose given between 12-15 months
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March beginning at age 6 months
- Lead Screening – test should be completed once between ages 6 – 24 months
- Hepatitis A (HepA) – series begins with one dose by age 2
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
18 Months
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – one dose between 6-18 months
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP)– 4th dose given between 15-18 months
- Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV) – 3rd dose given between ages 6-18 months
- Varicella – one dose between 12-18 months
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March beginning at age 6 months
- Lead Screening – test should be completed once between ages 6 – 24 months
- Hepatitis A (HepA) – series begins with one dose by age 2
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
24 Months
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening (optional)
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization
- MPSV4 – between 24 months – 6 years
- Pneumococcal (PCV) – catch up immunization between 24 months – 6 years
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March beginning at age 6 months
- Lead Screening – test should be completed once between ages 6 – 24 months
- Hepatitis A (HepA) – series begins with one dose by age 2
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
2-3 Years
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening (optional)
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization
- MPSV4 – between 24 months – 6 years
- Pneumococcal (PCV) – catch up immunization between 24 months – 6 years
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March beginning at age 6 months
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
- Obesity Screening
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
4-6 Years
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP)
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization; second dose by age 6
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- MPSV4 – between 24 months – 6 years
- Pneumococcal (PCV) – catch up immunization between 24 months – 6 years
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March beginning at age 6 months
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
- Obesity Screening
- Vision Screening (one screen by age 5)
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
7-10 Years
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening – one exam between 7-9 years
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization
- Obesity Screening
- Pneumococcal (PPV)
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
11-12 Years
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening – one exam at 12 years
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization
- Obesity Screening
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP) – between 11-12 years; Tdap preffered
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- MCV4
- Pneumococcal (PPV)
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccine – between 11-12 years; 3-dose series
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
- Meningococcal – between 11-12 years
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
13-14 Years
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening – one or two exams between 13-18 years
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization
- Obesity Screening
- Tdap
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- MCV4
- Pneumococcal (PPV)
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccine – if unvaccinated; 3-dose series
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
- Chlamydia Screening – all sexually active females
- Cervical Cancer Screening – Pap Smear – females, beginning 3 years after first sexual intercourse. Repeat every 3 years after 3 annual consecutive normal results.
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
15 Years
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening – one or two exams between 13-18 years
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization
- Obesity Screening
- Tdap
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- MCV4
- Pneumococcal (PPV)
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccine – if unvaccinated
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
- Chlamydia Screening – all sexually active females
- Cervical Cancer Screening – Pap Smear – females, beginning 3 years after first sexual intercourse. Repeat every 3 years after 3 annual consecutive normal results.
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
16-18 Years
- Preventative Risk Assessment Screening – one or two exams between 13-18 years
- Hepatitis B (HepB) – catch up immunization
- Varicella – catch up immunization
- Obesity Screening
- Tdap
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- MCV4
- Pneumococcal (PPV)
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccine – if unvaccinated
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
- Chlamydia Screening – all sexually active females
- Cervical Cancer Screening – Pap Smear – females, beginning 3 years after first sexual intercourse. Repeat every 3 years after 3 annual consecutive normal results.
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
18-35 Years
- Full Check Up (with height and weight) – yearly
- Dental exam – 1-2 times per year
- STD tests – before sexual activity, if you or your partner have had multiple partners, or if either of you have had an STD.
- Eye exam – every 2 years
- Hearing test – every 10 years
- Mole exam – monthly self-exam for all ages; doctor exam every three years for ages 18-39
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster Vaccine – every 10 years
- Blood pressure – at least every 2 years
- Cholesterol – women at risk
- Diabetes – women at risk
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Pap Test & Pelvic Exam – every 1-2 years if sexually active or over 21
- Chlamydia Test – Yearly if sexually active until 25; after 25 get test if at high risk
- Breast Exam – every three years
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
35-39 Years
- Full Check Up (with height and weight) – yearly
- Dental exam – 1-2 times per year
- STD tests – before sexual activity, if you or your partner have had multiple partners, or if either of you have had an STD.
- Chlamydia Test – discuss with doctor
- Eye exam – every 2 years
- Hearing test – every 10 years
- Mole exam – monthly self exam; yearly exam by doctor
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster Vaccine – every 10 years
- Blood pressure – at least every 2 years
- Cholesterol – women at risk
- Diabetes – women at risk
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Pneumococcal Vaccine – once by age 65
- Pap Test & Pelvic Exam – every 1-2 years
- Chlamydia Test – if at high risk
- Breast Exam – every three years
- Thyroid test – start at 35 then discuss with doctor
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
40-49 Years
- Full Check Up (with height and weight) – yearly
- Dental exam – 1-2 times per year
- STD tests – before sexual activity, if you or your partner have had multiple partners, or if either of you have had an STD.
- Chlamydia Test – discuss with doctor
- Eye exam – every two years
- Hearing test – every 10 years
- Mole exam – monthly self exam; yearly exam by doctor
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster Vaccine – every 10 years
- Blood pressure – at least every two years
- Cholesterol – women at risk
- Diabetes – women at risk; start annually at age 45 then every three years
- Influenza Vaccine can be given annually between October and March
- Pneumococcal Vaccine – once by age 65
- Pap Test & Pelvic Exam – every 1-2 years
- Chlamydia Test – if at high risk
- Breast Exam – annual clinical breast exam; mammogram every 1-2 years
- Bone density – at age 40, discuss with doctor
- Thyroid test – every five years
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.
50+ Years
- Full Check Up (with height and weight) – yearly
- Dental exam – 1-2 times per year
- Eye exam – every two years
- Hearing test – discuss with doctor
- Mole exam – monthly self exam; yearly exam by doctor
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster Vaccine – every 10 years
- Blood pressure – at least every two years
- Cholesterol – women at risk
- Diabetes –start at age 45 then every three years
- Influenza Vaccine – yearly
- Pap Test & Pelvic Exam – every 1-3 years
- Breast Exam – annual clinical breast exam; mammogram every 1-2 years
- Bone density – discuss with doctor
- Thyroid test – every five years
- Pneumococcal Vaccine – once by age 65
- Fecal Occult Blood test – yearly
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy – every five years if no colonoscopy
- Double Contrast Barium Enema – every 5-10 years if no colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
- Colonoscopy – every 10 years or as recommended by a doctor
- Rectal Exam – every 5-10 years
These results are intended as guidelines only. Always consult your physician for details and questions. We cannot be responsible for any problems that occur from following these guidelines.