Survey Results
I have all the information I need in order to eat a nutritious diet
I get as much physical exercise as I should during an average week
I think the health risks of being obese have been overestimated by scientific experts
For each of the following things that some people do, please tell me whether you do it regularly, once in a while, or not at all.
Read information about living a healthy lifestyle
Obesity is a serious public health problem for many people in our community
I have all the information I need in order to eat a nutritious diet
I get as much physical exercise as I should during an average week
I think the health risks of being obese have been overestimated by scientific experts
For each of the following things that some people do, please tell me whether you do it regularly, once in a while, or not at all. Read information about living a healthy lifestyle
Talk to my family about ways to improve our health
Talk to my friends about strategies that would enhance our health
Make lifestyle changes that you believe will promote healthier living
How would you describe your own personal weight situation now? Would you describe yourself as very underweight, somewhat underweight, about right, somewhat overweight, or very overweight?
At this time, would you say you are actively trying to lose weight, not really trying to lose weight but watching what you eat, just eating normally without paying any special attention to diet, or actively trying to gain weight?
In general, how would you describe your own health? Is it excellent, very good, good, fair or poor?
Has a doctor or nurse ever talked to you about diet, exercise or nutrition?
If yes: Was that in the past year, between one and three years ago, or more than three years ago?
Have you ever lost more than 5 pounds through some kind of special effort on your part, such as a special diet or exercise program?
If yes: Did you keep that weight off for at least a year?
When is the last time you weighed yourself? Would you say it was:
I’m going to name some things that some people say are important for good health and nutrition. For each, tell me whether it is very important, somewhat important, not very important or not at all important to you. Reading nutrition labels in the grocery store
Eating breakfast
Getting at least 20 minutes of exercise at least every other day of the week
Eating fruits and vegetables
Arranging my schedule to make good nutrition possible
Do you work for pay outside of the home?
Asked of those that work for pay outside the home: Is a cafeteria available at your workplace?
If yes: How would you describe the food in your workplace cafeteria? Would you say it is:
Asked of those that work for pay outside the home: Are vending machines available at your workplace?
If yes: Do the vending machines at your workplace offer nutritious snacks or not?
Asked of those that work for pay outside the home: Is there an exercise facility available at your workplace?
If yes: Have you ever made use of the exercise facility at your workplace?
If use exercise facility at work: How often would you say you use the facility?
Asked of those that work for pay outside the home: In general would you say that your employer is making an effort to assist you in being healthy or is that not a concern to your employer?
Now thinking about recreational options in your community. For each of the following, tell me whether your community has an adequate supply of this resource or not?
Biking paths
Dog walking trails
And for each of those resources, do you use them often, once in a while, or not at all?
Walking paths
Biking paths
Dog walking trails
Do you have children now in the local public schools?
Asked of those with children in public schools: Based on what you know about the meals served at the schools, would you say that the food is:
Asked of those with children in public schools: And how about the amount of physical exercise that the school promotes, do you believe children get plenty of exercise during the school day, some exercise, or not enough exercise?
Thinking now about your community as a whole, that is, including schools and other institutions, do you think the community does an excellent job of promoting healthy lifestyles, a good job, a fair job or a poor job of promoting healthy lifestyles?
Before we finish, I’m going to read you a few suggestions that some people have made that they believe would encourage more people to live a healthy lifestyle. For each, tell me first whether or not you think it is a good idea, and secondly if you do this
Offer school facilities to the public for exercise and recreation
If good idea: Using school facilities for exercise and recreation
Conduct free public workshops on nutrition
If good idea: Attend free public workshops on nutrition
Conduct free public workshops on fitness
If good idea: Attend free public workshops on fitness
Offer public inexpensive weight loss programs
If good idea: Attend public inexpensive weight loss programs
Encourage health oriented restaurants to open in the area
If good idea: Eat at health oriented restaurants in the area
Would you support a 1% sales tax that some have proposed be applied to junk food? Do you support that idea, oppose it or would you need more information in order to decide?