GreeneHealth has identified seven key priorities on which it is investing approximately $1.35 million over the period 2019-2024. These priorities are based on an extensive process, including the review and analysis of health status data collected by the State Department of Health, the Federal Government and from eight household surveys conducted by Rural Health Network. We continually collect and analyze new data to assess the impact of our programs and improve them where indicated, and to determine when we should drop an existing priority and add a new one.
- Sponsoring the annual Fresh Start program(formerly the Biggest Loser Weight-Loss Contest), the Weight Maintenance Contest, and GreeneWalks program.
- Supporting and expanding substance/alcohol abuse prevention counseling services in school districts.
- Promoting the use of medication drop boxes into which people can dispose of unwanted or expired prescription drugs.
- Reducing the stigma associated with the chronic disease of alcohol and drug addiction to encourage people to seek treatment and to learn to manage their addiction.
- Reduce the prevalence of binge drinking of alcohol to improve health and reduce the potential of alcohol-related injuries.
- Expanding the number of employees who have access to behavioral health services through an Employee Assistance Program.
- Improve compliance with health screening guidelines for breast cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.